LAC Book 9

Okay, my whisper-screams in the author ear have proven successful. Go me! Roz has a chunk of the ninth book done, but I don’t think we’ll see it that soon. Laura has been bitching to get her third mystery done, and I think she may have Roz handcuffed to her keyboard. When she finishes, I’ll see if maybe Laura will loan me the handcuffs. 😉

In the meantime… Note that Holly and Laura are up as hostesses in LAC 9. The idea of that will most certainly give you nightmares. Remember their horror in Leakers Ignited when they learned that no one—save them, Mrs. & Mrs. PDA—kept their pants on during their last weekend, Loose Sleuths? Uh oh! 😮

Will the artist and the detective use their weekend to exact revenge yet again?

Will the LAC keep their pants on this time? (I vote “no,” but I’m a big talker.)

Will the eight of them survive?

Could this be the veritable end of the DWD? (Nah, I’m just being mellow-dramatic.)

Stay tuned…

