Blessed Word Count

Okay, with Smooched officially finished, her word count is 993,314 and 6,686 to go. The screeching halt continues.

A warm birthday wish goes out to Scooter … and a little sympathy for her not having reached the goal on his birthday. If he’s declawed, we’d give him birthday high-fives. Well, except for Laura, who’d probably do so anyway, catty being that she is.



2 thoughts on “Blessed Word Count

  1. That’s cool Kate!

    Sarah how was Scooters birthday? Did you go all out with a party? Dining on Seba? Or Nine lives?
    Wish there would be a cameo.

  2. Hey,

    Scooter had a great day. Made him a big salmon filet. He loves me no doubt. Before and even more now.

    Loved the new book. Smooch! That cracks me up! I can just see Kate kissing Laura! Too funny!

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