From Living Deadheads to…

Remember that book the author started writing when she was supposed to be writing Living Dead(heads)? Well, she finished it—the first draft anyway. It’s entitled Squatter, and it’s a paranormal mystery. Nope, no Laura. Instead, she’s got a whole new cast of characters. I will let you know when/if it’s ready for reader consumption. While it’s not in our series, I’ll see if I can swipe a chapter or two, just ’cause I can.

In the meantime, she editing it and jotting down ours ideas for LAC 21. It’s a Ginny and Kris weekend. Theirs always make me nervous.

Oh, and she says she won’t be doing NaNoWriMo is November, that there’s no need for any whip-cracking. We are pleased, to say the least. She turns way cranky. Rest assured, though, that we will crack our own whips if she starts slacking off.

