
She gets a bump on the Mil-O-Meter to 965,066! That leaves 34,934 to go.

She’s moving into Chapter 6 on LAC 15 and has passed the 11,000 mark. The end is nowhere in sight, but since the beginning is, I will see about swiping the first chapter very soon.



3 thoughts on “Bump

  1. Wow so this could be a long LAC 15. Hey I wonder if she can hit it right on the money!
    Making this a 45,934 words long.

    Kate what is the average length of her books?

    I am thinking of Scooter’s cameo here. 13 Aug.

    1. The average is 40,489. They range from about 32,000-52,000. She could feasibly hit the mil with this one, but bear in mind, she is notoriously bad at estimating a book’s length. We’re not much better.

      However… She’s in Chapter 7, it’s just Saturday morning at the mayor’s mansion, and she’s nearing 17,000 words. Quite a ways to go in the story yet.

  2. Now that was 10 days ago that you wrote that now where is she? Surely she is at Chapter 10 by now…

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